Friday, August 20, 2021

The best way to avoid human stagnation and immobility

Ethnocentric ethnostates are the default political position, or the selection made usually automatically or without active consideration, due to real human nature, which and has always been genetically kin and ethnic centered. Aristocracy is also society’s default position, as F. H. Buckley wrote about (“For a Politics of Mobility” Modern Age, Summer 2020). “ is mobility that’s unnatural, a brief interlude in a long history...Charles Murray attributes the rise of aristocracy to the move to an information economy in which premium wages are paid to high-IQ workers. Intelligence is largely heritable... Capitalism tends inexorably toward immobility, he argued, because of capital’s tendency to grow more quickly than the economy as a whole. To those who have, more is given; and great fortunes accumulate over time.”

I believe ethnostates and meritocracies are the best way to deal with these default political positions to avoid human stagnation and immobility. Evolutionary conservatism believes that if real kin and ethnic-centered human nature was allowed to be what it is, it would naturally lead to regionalism, localism, general conservative values, eventually ethnostates, and finally an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, with each ethnostate protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, Marxists, etc., and defended by a defensive federalism. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states.

As to aristocracies, ascetics and others put up a Great Spiritual Blockade against the evolving material world, which actually blocks the real path to Godhood of material evolution. The natural world has to be unblocked if we are to reach ascending levels of Godhood by way of material evolution.

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