Friday, July 30, 2021

Naturalistic biological determinism with theological materialism

I think in terms of a realistic or naturalistic biological determinism, which leads not to a bias of idealism but calls the human brain a survival organ that sees the world in terms of survival and reproductive success. This is not a Kantian bias it is the real world as it is. I see a natural will to survival and reproduction success of the genes also aided in evolution by an inward, purely physical activation to materially evolve toward ascending levels of Godhood. This is not a “transcendental” idealism but a natural evolutionary upward evolutionary drive working along with natural selection and evolution. We lack a total worldview that seamlessly includes both science and religion when all our social schemes are driven by this biological origin of social behavior, and the universe really is a mechanism for evolving Gods, which we should consciously get in step with since we are already unconsciously driven by it. Art and politics follow with evolutionary realism and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, and with theological materialism in religious philosophy.

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