Saturday, January 24, 2015

Why there was no need for Nietzsche to kill Being (God) and affirm only Becoming

If we say as Plato said that it is God and not man who is the measure of all thing, this is true in the sense that Godhood is life evolved beyond man to the zenith of material evolution, and not Godhood separated from life and man by a non-material spiritualism. In not admitting a separation between the material and spiritual this does not distance God from us, it brings Godhood closer to us and to life.
There was no need for Nietzsche to kill Being (God) and affirm only Becoming, because Godhood is both Becoming and Being. That everything evolves defines the world of Becoming, but there is a goal to Becoming: life evolves in the material and supermaterial world to Godhood. But this is a Godhood which never stops evolving, or becoming, or recurring in the cosmos, so we need not affirm a static, non-active or even non-material definition of Godhood.

But like new wine in old bottles, this theological material ontology need not destroy the old traditional symbolic and spiritual God, it conservatively transforms Godhood. There is no need to kill God, or consider Godhood the opiate of the people, or even accept the void as purpose. This is a Godhood which affirms real life, religion, philosophy, and even science.

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