Tuesday, January 20, 2015

It is the past and future history of evolution that is sacred in theological materialism

Ideas and abstractions have been favored over living objects in religion and philosophy. Theological materialism removes the veil from this mystical worldview and defines the sacred in material terms: life evolves materially and supermaterially to Godhood.

Godhood is a living superior object, or objects, not merely an abstract idea or spiritual definition. Perhaps we can better envision Godhood when we think of the endless time life has had to evolve in the cosmos, life could have evolved to almost any imaginable form.

We ascend from earth toward Godhood, not descend from Godhood to earth. History is not abstract empirical facts or the ideas of idealists, history is the sociobiological evolution of natural life and material man. Religion and philosophy transform into the realm of sociobiology when reality is defined.

We can retain the old spiritual God or Father Within within the Involutionary Inward Path as the first glimpse of Godhood, which now can be seen as symbolic. Real Godhood is attained in the Evolutionary Outward Path of material/supermaterial evolution.

Ideas are not profane in themselves but they are not sacred, it is the past and future history of evolution that is sacred in theological materialism, especially when projected out to the material/supermaterial evolution to sacred Godhood.

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