Monday, December 01, 2014

The revival of science and religion together in our evolution

The exclusively spiritual and material-denying values of the Inward Path to the experience of the God or Father Within is the main reason for the long decline of Christian civilization since the height of the Middle Ages, in spite of valiant intellectual attempts to try to justify some value in non-monastic living.

The way of revival calls for the symbolic experience of the Inward Path God to be transformed into the Outward Path evolution of material and supermaterial life to real Godhood. In the Twofold Path the Involuntary Inward Path to the experience of the God Within is transformed into the Evolutionary Outward Path of material/supermaterial evolution of life to real Godhood.

This also affirms the conservative evolutionary rather than revolutionary dynamic of bringing the new into the old, seen in both long lasting religion and science, and not destroying the old for an untried new, which rarely works or lasts long.

This can bring a revival of science and religion together, applying sociobiological knowledge and new genetic knowledge toward our evolution to higher consciousness, intelligence and noble behavior, on the heroic path toward Godhood in the cosmos. This is the vital upsurge of meaningful life needed and shared by all of us in a world of growing hedonism and nihilism, even if we are eventually and naturally separated into ethnostates.

In the process of our evolution, machine intelligence has the potential to evolve considerably faster than biological life can evolve, but this does not mean that we should abandon the sacred goal of biological life evolving to Godhood. This will bring a contention between advocates of machine enhancement and advocates of biological enhancement. Intelligent machines can serve slower evolving biological intelligence, but it would simply be suicide to be centered only on superintelligent machines. Some of our brightest minds have been intimidated by a devious political correctness into replacing biological evolution with machine evolution---courage here is needed---the sacred purpose of life depends on it.

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