Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Adjusting paleoconservatism

I consider myself a paleoconservative, but I don't think we can return the nation to its former political-cultural ethos, although I think we can still affirm the Constitution and the separation of powers and states. We can retain federalism and representative rule but regions and states will need to be thought of as ethnic regions and ethnostates. That is, we will need to gradually affirm ethnopluralism, which harmonizes with real human nature and group selection as the primary unit of selection.

I see this as the only way to prevent continuing civil disturbances between the distinct ethnic groups and cultures which have enveloped the nation due to open borders, unchecked immigration, and modern liberal social policies. This is the way to deal with the increasing fragmentation and barbarization of our country, and the decline of the West. The way to harmonize with people’s natural preferences for their own kind and cultures is to let it flourish with ethnopluralism.

Otherwise, if we don't have a natural separation of people and powers, in order to prevent social disorder, peace will probably end up being maintained with some sort of military takeover, or autocracy, which is a short-term and unhealthy solution to social problems.

Cooperative competition is humanly possible, which is the civilized way to deal with differences. All ethnic groups, not just one, can be involved in our evolution, in healthy variety, as we all evolve toward higher species and eventually toward Godhood, which describes the basic religious worldview of human life for the future.

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