Friday, February 19, 2010

Which God Is Dead?

God is not dead, the Platonist idea of God is dead, says Alexander Bard in speaking of Nietzsche. And Bard goes on to say that objectivity is dead too, and that all truths are subjective. We both agree and disagree.

The Platonist as well as the Eastern and Western "principle" of God may not be dead, but it needs to rearranged, including Zarathustra's God who was one of the forerunners of the Abrahamic Involutionary Inward Path to the Soul, (not Godhood). The Involutionary Inward Path leads to the Soul, the Father Within which we can pursue, but this is not Godhood. The Supreme Object God is the real life Supreme Goal of material evolution. God is an Object not merely a principle. Godhood, the Zenith of Evolution, is also Absolute Truth, Absolute Beauty and Absolute Goodness.

Evolution to Godhood is not merely a subjective truth, all of the cosmos is attempting to evolve to Godhood, with starts and stops and backward going along the way, and that is an objective truth as well as a subjective truth seen both within man and within nature.

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