Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Spirit-Will Activates, It Does Not Transcend Materiality

On Sacred Language

Is there a “universal language,” an “essential language” in which the “original language” of the Gods can be restored? Evola speaks of the tantric mantra representing the voice of the thing itself, speaking the cosmic language.

And several religious traditions claim to possess sacred and divine letters from a universal language, or language restored to its pristine state.

But then the doctrine goes on to say that the material world is only a manifestation of the transcendent world, the world of the universal language and universal sound.

This all needs to be transvalued. Sound or language is not the object in itself, it derives from the object, the object is not a manifestation of the language, the language is a manifestation of the object. The transcendent, or the world of word, meaning and sound, is a manifestation of the material world, or the supermaterial world at its highest evolution, not the other way around.

It is possible to say that the Spirit Within life speaks or vibrates a universal language, which mystics can with discipline understand or hear, but this is not Godhood. The Spirit-Will activates material life to evolve to Godhood, it does not "transcend" material life , unless you mean by transcendent the evolution of material life all the way to Godhood, which is more a transformation.

The Twofold Path seeks both the Inward God and the Outward God.

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