Thursday, September 25, 2008

Saving The System To Change The System

Historically the Wall Streeters and bankers have demanded complete freedom to do business, but now after they grossly abused and virtually destroyed the system, they call for (and they will get) big government regulated socialism-fascism to bail them out. Honorable aren't they?

We desperately need a sound money system but it would be too radical to cut the head off the whole system in one swoop, as many libertarians want to do. Pat Buchanan said to save the sheep we have to save the pigs, and that's the conservative thing to do, but the conditions imposed on the bailout should lead to phasing out the whole borrowing and lending ethos of the nation, and perhaps eventually an end to the Federal Reserve System.

A sound money system based on real wealth, and perhaps economic nationalism, looks better and better, that is, a return to the philosophy suggested by our Founding Fathers, and the American Constitution.

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