Thursday, September 04, 2008

Post-Catastrophic Conceptions of the World

The superficial political conventions in Denver and St. Paul have caused me to think about the future. I agree mainly with the post catastrophic world predictions of James Lovelock and Guillaume Faye. Lovelock speaks of “sustainable retreat” (not sustainable development) to the Northern Lattitudes from cities overrun and descended into chaos, predicting that of the present 6.6 billion people, only 500 million will survive. Guillaume Faye has the Third World invading European Homelands, with violent conflicts, increased paralysis, and the world unfit for human habitation. Nothing, Faye believes, can stop the advance into the abyss, big change will happen only after the catastrophy. Faye accepts modern science but says it should become the provence of a small elite, along with a revitalization of “ancient spirits,” rejecting liberalism and egalitarianism. Faye wants a new European Empire which uses science and technology along with reestablishing ancient heroic values. Humanity will return to biological or sociobiological values out of necessity.

My question is, will these “archaic values” be imposed or restored by Islam, Neopaganism, or a revitalized Christianity? We believe the Evolutionary Christian Church can become the required revitalized Christianity, the right blend of philosophy, science and religion. We prefer the terms “evolutionary” to “futurism” and “Traditional Christianity ” to “archaic.” Conservatism or Paleoconservatism gives strong practical advantage to our cause, people are in favor of things long established, while we also boldly reconcile the opposites of the material and spiritual, the archaic and the future. And we will not revive the beast to do so, we will civilize the beast to evolve from the material to the spiritual, and on to Godhood, by retaining the moral bonding of such things as Catholic Social Philosophy; we can synthesize Cattell's Beyondism with Aquinas's Catholicism. It will not be easy. A Wolf-Age is coming. But even a brave little French Girl, Joan of Arc, could change the world. And if God is with us, nothing can stop us.


  1. Interesting stuff. I believe that the collapse of the Centre will have such an immense impact that there will no longer be any kind of internationalist structure, let alone a single unifying principle of any kind. After the crash, which we view as inevitable, the West will find itself broken into a thousand different pieces, and only those with strong principles and the ability to defend themselves and their families will survive. Perhaps afterwards, way off into the future, communities will being to network with one another, but at first there will be a total void of chaos and confusion.

  2. I'm keen on archeofuturism as written by Michael O'Meara in his book New Culture New Right to revitalize Western peoples.



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