Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Reforming Plato and Aristotle

Harmonizing religion and science in nature

Plato distinguished a difference between the laws of nature and the laws of God. The Sophist's declared that justice comes from following nature. Plato countered that justice comes from obeying the nomos, divine law, divine tradition. Theological materialism combines these views saying that by following the laws of nature we evolve to the nomos, to Godhood, but nomos is only a definition of Godhood. This combines religion and science.

Aristotle suggests to us, however, that we should evolve prudently, along the Golden Mean, between the traditions of both religion and science. City-states can still affirmed in the form of thousands of "ethnostates," lightly guided by subsidiarity, or federalism. As Aristotle might have predicted, perhaps we need a guiding (not ruling) national religion.

It is said that Aristotle's Ethics, Politics and Metaphysics lived on but his science was supplanted by modern science. Perhaps it is time now to update Aristotle's ethics and politics with theological materialism and modern science.

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