Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Development of national and individual aspects of religion

Early prophets addressed and affirmed a national God for the people. Then as their people were conquered (eg. the Hebrews) the new prophets began to affirm a personal, individual aspect of God, where national concerns would be less necessary. We would call these the Outward and Inward Paths of religion.
the Evolutionary Christian Church once again affirms a “national,” Outward Path, along with the Inward Path, in the form of thousands of independent “ethnostates” upon the earth, with each little state evolving its people to Godhood, seeing God both Inwardly and Outwardly, yet within an interdependent world. For example, as Cattell expressed it, a man's ethical loyalty to his own group exceeds that to members of "mankind" generally, however, circumstances put emphasis on the primary survival of all groups, if the total existence of man is threatened. We are all evolving to Godhood.

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