Monday, May 12, 2008

Why we should return to our Constitution

A return to our Constitution would bring a return to the Traditional moral base on which our laws are based. This would help balance what we see taking place in society today between our morality and our actions. Things are now very unbalanced and causing greater and greater instability, as Hilaire Belloc pointed out many years ago in “The Servile State.”

If returned to, our Constitution would eventually return the ownership of government and property to the people, as power is Constitutionally split and local, and State power and Capitalist power is kept light and distributed among the regions, the states and the people. Contrary to the Socialists and Capitalists (no matter what they may claim to support their elitism), power and property are not evil, nor are they God, it is control and ownership of power and property by a very few---be they Capitalist, the State, or a combo of both---which causes our dangerous disequilibrium.

Are the global capitalist forces too great to permit a return to our Constitution and thus a return to morality? The Ron Paul movement thinks not. More power to them.

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