Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Belloc and Barack

If Hilaire Belloc were alive today he might conclude that if Barack Obama and his brand of socialism prevail, it will be the global capitalists who are to blame. When a few elite global capitalists own or control everything and treat most people unfairly and unjustly it usually leads to the line of least resistance as a reaction by the people: socialism, where supposedly the state owns everything.

A better solution would be to put property and the means of production in the hands of as many local families as possible, but this is the more difficult solution and people usually prefer the easier socialist solution—led on by those who supposedly gain from socialism.

This is how we can blame the neoconservatives (never really conservative) and global capitalists for the coming servile socialist state. Perhaps the flexibility of our system of two parties allows for a give and take, and true localism will one day return. The return to our original Constitution (again, see Ron Paul) is the Conservative option, other options seem too radical and usually lead to another servile state.

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