Monday, February 26, 2007

Reattaching the Gordian Knot

Whether evolution moves from the simple to the complex, or back again from the complex to the simple in natural selection, it is the “striving” that seems to remain constant. You may say that it is only the genes that are striving, or you may say that the human being is striving, but it is still striving.

To claim that the striving is pointless or blind or directionless, as many physical materialists do, is as unscientific as saying that the striving has a direction or purpose, as many theologians say. Neither are empirically proven.

It is at the juncture of “striving” that the Gordian Knot between science and religion, matter and spirit can be reattached. Matter in evolution and spirit in theology are both striving for immortality, matter calls it biological or genetic immortality, religion calls it spiritual or the soul’s immortality.

And immortality, whether biological or spiritual, is Godhood. Thus religion and science can be joined, thanks to the striving of life.

(For excellent thinking somewhat related to this, see John Haught’s “Deeper Than Darwin” John Haught

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