Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Catholic Social And Economic Doctrine And Evolution

Place the biospirtual evolution to God in the capable hands of traditional Christian social and economic doctrine, rather than only radical eugenic programs.

The distribution of private property as widely as possible, a just use of capital, variety, and light federalism, provide a better environment for survival and reproduction success, and evolution, than any other doctrine yet presented, and these traditional doctrines have the practical advantage of being traditional and conservative, not radical, channeling the new into the old, not destroying all that has gone before.

Caring for the poor, as we are rightly asked to do, never did mean Communism or the devolution of the Church. Those living in the world, the healthy, the intelligent, share of themselves and their goods when their own possessions are in excess of their own present and future needs. A church without possessions could not feed the poor. Those living in religious communities, who have no possessions, communally share.

The position of  the Theoevolutionary Church is that we can survive and reproduce and evolve to Godhood best with the traditional social and economic doctrines of the traditional Church, enlarged with knowledge of Cattell's Beyondism.

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