Saturday, June 25, 2022

High and Low Art (from the archive

If high art is essentially the refined the affirmation of the sacred, and low art is the unrefined affirmation of the sacred, profane art would not affirm the sacred or could even actively deny the sacred. This is seen in traditional cultures.

Does this imply a “universal” art and a universal sacred? Not necessarily. Each culture, each people tend to have their own version of the sacred---which can however show universal similarities. This is another argument in favor of ethnopluralism which best allows separate ethnic cultures to affirm their own ideas of the sacred.

This also allows cultures to exist in harmony with our existing human nature, which remains ethnocentric and group-selecting. Some sort of cooperative yet competitive federalism can then protect the whole.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Reason, the Senses, and the Super-Id (From the archive

Unlike Burke I don't think that a man left to his passions will necessarily be a savage beast. Even Nietzsche made the same mistake in seeing the instincts more as a Dionysian beast, but unlike Burke, Nietzsche did not want to mediate the beast with reason (which to Burke seems to have been morality). Nietzsche claimed to like the beast, which had no goal other than power itself.

I define and present a Super-Id as the the Spirit-Will-To-Godhood, and define Godhood as the material or supermaterial sacred goal of the Super-Id, the instincts combined, and the evolutionary goal of life itself. Godhood is the evolutionary zenith of intelligence, beauty, truth, goodness etc, and of course, is not a savage beast.

Reason and morality too often overcompensate or repress the creative imagination that comes from our senses (Burke's moral imagination), and also can obfuscate the data from our senses, which can become a Great Spiritual Blockade. I see reason more like the rider of a valiant steed called the Super-Id/Spirit-Will-To-Godhood, which the rider/reason can help harmonize with, or even guide, but the rider is not the steed itself---and the rider would be arrogant in thinking that he alone sets the sacred goal.

Friday, June 17, 2022

The material primal plot and the sacred path (From the archive)

What someone called the “primal plot” usually does not include the evolution of life to Godhood, which is the real primal plot. It does not begin in Eden and end in Golgotha, or Nepal, or Mecca, that is only part of the plot. It begins at the various primal origins of various universes, all of which appear to be evolving material life toward Godhood. Some make it, some do not. That is the material primal plot as well as the sacred path. The ultimate purpose of life, which includes art and culture, is not merely to confirm a “maker” but to affirm the sacred path to Godhood of material and supermaterial evolution, guided by the activating Spirit-Will-To-Godhood within life.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

The return to the spiritualism of the traditional cultural archetypes really means a return the biological origin of social behavior

Esoteric traditionalism advocates that all civilizations and peoples should return to the spiritualism of their traditional cultural archetypes—but that includes different forms of paganism, and not only the orthodox Christianity of the traditionalist Dugin or the Islam of Guénon. The biological origin of social behavior, and naturalism, is given short shift among the traditionalists, as well it might, because the biological origin of social behavior points toward the biological evolution of life toward a real living Godhood, and not a god which is attained only in the minds or hearts of men.

The highest possible degree of the spirituality in Traditionalism leads to the decline of the material body due to the Great Spiritual Blockade of life and the body with the Inward Path to the god-within. But the Half-Truth of the Inward Path can join the Half-Truth of the Outward Path to end the spiritual blockade of the Outward Path of material evolution toward real Godhood. We can bring survival and reproduction back to the sacred, after it has been largely exiled by Traditionalism due to its materialistic content which is considered inferior.

Traditionalism gave us hubristic authority beyond the material world, beyond the stars, and Traditionalism continues to supplant astronomy and biology with the exclusivity of the spiritual Inward Path. But life and beauty can be religiously exhumed from this material neglect. The Inner God is the Outer God we must evolve to. The Order of the Outward Path of evolution to Godhood brings the real return to the traditional cultural archetypes where reproduction and evolution to Godhood can be reaffirmed.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

The acceptance of human biodiversity and the biological origin of social behavior

I believe the acceptance of human biodiversity and the biological origin of social behavior is the best and perhaps only way for humans, both conservatives and progressives, to exist in the best ways possible. We have to admit that the different human races possess heritable differences do to localized group inbreeding through many generations, and that our behavior, intelligence, and personalities are to a large extent heritable. For example, clear differences in behavior, intelligence, and personalities of blacks and whites are not primarily caused by anti-black prejudice of white people, all races tend to biologically inherit these differences in behavior, intelligence, and personalities, and they usually prefer their own kind.

And we should allow all races to prefer their own kind and even set themselves up in ethnostates according to real human nature. If real kin and ethnic-centered human nature was allowed to be what it is, it would naturally lead to ethnostates, and finally to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, with each ethnostate protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, Marxists, etc., and defended by a defensive federalism. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states.

Until we openly face and accept the reality of human biodiversity and the biological origin of social behavior we will only be playing around with weak or unworkable solution's to our dangerous social problems.