Tuesday, September 21, 2021

The realistic way to solve Martin Buber's “I-Thou and I-It'” way of looking at the world

The realistic way to solve Martin Buber's “I-Thou and I-It'” way of looking at the world is not to define the I-Thou as identifying with a spiritual God ruling all people and demanding that we religiously call each other “Thou” rather than “It,” but rather to acknowledge and and affirm that the biological origin of social behavior favors the survival of the I-It attitude with all ethnic groups and races, because all groups biologically seek survival and reproductive success for themselves first; we can then redefine the I Thou as respecting the right of each ethnic group to seek survival and reproductive success living separately in ethnostates with ethnopluralism.

The religious justification for an ethnopluralism of ethnostates need not reach down to spiritualism but up to the process of the material evolution of life toward Godhood, activated from within every cell of living bodies, which then react and adapt to the various outside environments that life lives in. This activation is the same activation that leads to the desire to successfully survive and reproduce. The goal of evolving to Godhood need not deprive us of either politics, science, or religion. When Godhood is seen as a naturalistic and theological goal, the goal of evolution, then biology and theology need not settle for the empty spiritualism. Nature and philosophy can be seen as life materially evolving toward ascending levels of Godhood. We can realistically define the I Thou as best realized by respecting the right of each I-It ethnic group to seek survival and reproductive success and their evolution toward Godhood living in ethnostates with ethnopluralism, and with each ethnostate protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, chosenites, Marxists, etc., with a defensive federalism.

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