Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Upgrading Aristotle

Aristotle affirmed particulars (what I call particular objects), and he saw universals (what I call abstractions), as merely aspects (what I call definitions), of existing concrete objects, so I am in good company. But Aristotle did see a metaphysical essence within concretes, and I don't, other than a non-metaphysical material activation within life to evolve toward supermaterial Godhood, which is as close to an essence as I come. I add the evolutionary religious view of life evolving toward Godhood, which is examined in theological materialism.

Reality is real objects---not religious or Platonic abstractions that are definitions only---and all obey the laws of nature, if we can perceive it. Our knowledge comes mainly from sense experience which we turn into human concepts, but knowledge also comes from inward intuitional genetic inheritance, but I am reluctant to put an abstract logical system to this creative process, although there might be one working.

Politically, ethnopluralism is the upgrade of ancient political philosophy, based on knowledge of evolution and human nature which has been coming in since Darwin and sociobiology. I tie this to the conservative tradition of localism, with ethnostates for all ethnic cultures, in harmony with group-selecting real human nature, keeping the best of the past, protected by a light federalism, while we ever evolve toward Godhood in the future.

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