Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Denaturing of God

The Highest Materiality/Spirituality, or God, can be called “spiritual” as long as materiality is not rejected by the term spirituality. God is a real Being, the highest evolved materiality in the cosmos. God is in nature as a Being, even as God created nature. God is a living Being.

When God is seen as pure abstraction, pure spirituality, this is not a “victory” over nature, it makes religion stale, a technical game. We see this has happened with religion in the East and the West. Religion has essentially abstracted God from nature, discarded the material world, the way modernist painters discarded realism and naturalism. Clever flim flam to include nature in religion by religious thinkers, some of them brilliant, does not change the basic rejection of the material world by religion.

God has been too much described as not a part of nature, and this abandons the great inspiration from nature. God has been replaced by abstractions and definitions. God must appear within nature not outside of nature. The beast of nature unites with the beauty of nature when nature evolves to Godhood.

A strong understanding of God in nature is the true basis for religion. The denaturing of God began long ago with ancient religions and philosophers. God became philosophical, increasingly less physical. Apollo requires Dionysus. Spirit requires the material. This is the dialectic of life and evolution.

Nature too often seems to collapse in religion. Pagans seemed more attuned to nature, nature and God did not seem to be at odds in Paganism. Humans need to reacquire the religious magic, the wisdom to transform nature into Godhood. Nature evolves to God, which defines the importance of nature.

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