Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Half The Great Truth

The Great Spiritual Blockade

The noble figures of Christ and Buddha in art are said to show us “that which is” and that which “should be” or that which we “are,” (Frithjof Schuon) but these sacred works are only half the picture. These are the noble symbols of the Involutionary Inward Path, the icons of the Soul Within. Yet here is where the tragic error takes place.

Settling for half the great truth has led to the debasement of the entire material world, but more tragically, it has been blocking our evolution to God with a Great Spiritual Blockade.

The “holy sleep” reverently displayed in the images of the Buddha are indeed sleep, and are truly what Shankara called “ the stilling of mental agitation and the supreme appeasement.” Here is a quote from Sri Ramakrishna: "The world is impermanent. One should constantly remember death."

The Inward Path of Christ, Buddha and the Primordial Tradition, needs to be fulfilled in the Outward Path that leads evolution to Godhood. Together both paths, the Twofold Path, define the religious order of the Theoevolutionary Church, which is a remanifestation of manifested religions.

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