Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Third Theology-the Divine Science of Evolution

The Divine Science of Evolution

Regarding the reasoning of Aquinas, I think his “two theologies” of the divine science of principles ( reason, metaphysics, what is known ) and the science of divine things in themselves ( from scriptures, faith, exceeding human reason, what is believed ) require or will be subsumed in a third divine science of evolution, which includes both knowledge of and arrival at or the becoming of Materiaspiritus or metacorporeality, evolution from the material to the spiritual (supermaterial). This knowledge will become whole or complete in evolving to Godhood, because the truth is ultimately related to not merely being illuminated through faith but with becoming God. This is the new divine science of evolution, which in its methods and in its end leads to becoming or joining with God. The Evolutionary Christian Church combines the Traditional involutionary two theologies of Aquinas with the new third theology or the The Divine Science of Evolution. Perhaps the divine science of evolution could have been placed in the theology of divine things in themselves, but as far as we know this third theology is not contained in traditional involutionary theology and so it deserves its own place.

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