Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Building The Kingdom of God

The deficiency of Classicism, which culminated in the Roman Empire, was to think too much politically, the deficiency of Christianity was to think too much spiritually, which is why they both failed.

What was missing was the transmutation of the material to the spiritual by way of evolution, the spiritualizing of biology, uniting material science with religion. This, the Evolutionary Christian Church, seeks to do.

We offer a faith more adequate to human needs in the modern world. We look inward with involution to see and know God through the Soul-Within, we look outward to seek God through evolution of man to God.

How do we avoid the Pagan mistake of treating other men as means rather then ends when evolution beyond man to God is the way to Godhood? Christian mutual caring and fraternity affirm altruism, which also bonds people for successful survival and reproduction.

Political power, according to Catholic Social Philosophy, is justified when it is employed for the fulfillment of God's purposes—right doesn't depend on might, but right receives its mandate from divine authority. The Church claims the right to intervene in government to keep economic and political motives in line with spiritual and moral ends.

As some have said, all politics are local and tribal, therefore the Traditional (paleo) Conservative position harmonizes well with federalism, and the subsidiarity of the church. Small is not only beautiful, it allows for spiritual, moral, and biological advancement.

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