Monday, September 05, 2022

With evolution we are destined to be Gods: the golden synthesis of religion and science

The will, soul, spirit, life-force, will to power, will to Godhood, or as I call it: Tirips, is the sacred will to evolve to Godhood and nothing more than that,which is enough. It is the most sacred drive but it isn't God, it is the drive within life to Godhood which must live and adapt the life it lives within to the exigencies of natural selection and evolution. It is a material drive, but the most sacred element of the material drives. It is not a “spiritual” drive, it lives within life and is past on through procreation. It part of our nature, the most important drive of the direction of out lives and cultures are or should be the most important design our lives and cultures. 

This worldview which I define as theological materialism is the golden synthesis of religion and science. Energy is matter in another form, so matter is really not passive as Newton's first law said, matter in the form of energy moves matter. Matter in the form of energy moves matter from within matter as well as from outside of matter. There is more than an outward action or reaction with matter, there is an inward vitalism working within and shaped by outside evolution, which is the activation of the will to life as inward metabolism, growth, reproduction. Theological materialism amplifies this vitalist will to life with the goal of the will-to-evolve-toward-Godhood, or Tirips. Spirituality is not needed in religion when matter is not passive. It is matter not spirit that is evolving to its zenith of Godhood. With evolution we are destined to be Gods.

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