Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Let me map a framework for a manifesto of ethnopluralism

Like many intellectuals Karl Marx twisted the truth just a enough to fit his agenda: the history of existing societies is not the story of class struggles but is the story of ethnic struggles.

History does not move from feudalism to communism but moves from ethnic group to ethnic group applying whatever political philosophy they think best enhances their group.

Social forces relate to real human nature which remains today as it has always been, with group selection as the primary unit of successful survival and reproduction.

As large empires fall, feudalism, capitalism, communism, fascism, and globalism all yield back to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates.

Real materialism leads to theological materialism and not to the dialectical idealism of Hegel or the dialectic materialism of Marx.

Theological materialism does not lead to atheism or toward non-material idealism because natural material evolution moves toward supermaterial Godhood.

The simplest rules of evolution suggest that positive genetic and cultural mutations take place best in smaller ethnostates where separation gives positive mutations the best chance to appear and prosper.

Federalism can protect ethnostates from seriously quarreling among themselves, as all states evolve toward Godhood, perhaps helped along by objective international research centers.

Revolution is not necessary where a constitutional separation of powers and states exist, as in the United States, only a few amendments may be called for, and so legal conservatism remains viable.

Theological materialism and ethnopluralism are not more ideology manufacturing more non-material definitions and abstractions, this is real life, real human nature, and real evolution.

We have nothing to lose but philosophical and political flimflam and decline, and we have Godhood to gain.

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