Saturday, September 17, 2016

Arab Racism and Realism

Because Islam claims to to be against any form of racism, Arab racism is not discussed as a motive behind terrorism, which is largely supported by wealthy Arab nations. Racism is a taboo subject in the West too other than as another word for evil, so the foreign policy of the West is missing a rational understanding in dealing with terrorism and the problems of the middle-east. Interestingly Israel is about the only nation in the world to openly declare itself devoted to an ethnically chosen people, yet even with this, an understanding of Israeli racism is missing, at least openly, in the policy toward Israel.

Western dominance over Arabs in the past 100 years or so has not gone unnoticed by the Arabs, who highly resent it, although the Arabs may not be conscious of their own racism because it is supposedly forbidden in Islam. And the competition between Persian Shiite Islam and Arab Sunni Islam has a lot to do with racial and ethnic differences, and is not merely differences in religious interpretation.

If this is the reality, and I think it is, how does this biological-oriented knowledge relate to foreign policy in the middle-east? Since the preference for group-selection is a basic part of real human nature, a policy of not meddling in the affairs of the Arabs would make sense, as long as they do not try to create another empire beyond their borders. The same applies to Israel and its will to power and disguised racism.

Then, with a realistic foreign policy the West could get on with looking at the real motivations behind its own existence, which are no less biological than the Arabs or the Jews. The ethnopluralism of ethnostates written about here needs to be considered, which could be conservatively accommodated (without radical revolution) in the constitutional separation of powers and states in the U. S.. It's long-term evolution and survival that is being mismanaged, even in what now passes for realism.

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