Saturday, December 21, 2013

How women tend to be conservative

The political correctness of gender neutrality which rules the media doesn't want to hear it, but during this holiday season I have again seen that women tend to be conservative in this way: women closely examine character, behavior, etc, more than men do, perhaps because women have to invest so much of their bodies and time in child-rearing. Women believe in their man, they believe in the qualities and character of leadership, they give attention to the looks of a man, and then they tend to secondarily (but not unimportantly) consider the person's ideology or abstract philosophy. I use the term “tend” here because there are obviously many exceptions to any rule about this behavior.

Women will tend to support their children more even when they violate the values of the family, whereas men tend to think more in terms of unemotional abstract justice. A good balance seems often to be achieved in traditional marriages between paying attention to people and paying attention to values, which can be applied to political philosophy. Of course we need both. Not giving full attention to ideology first but giving more attention to the actual behavior of people is the way most conservatives define real Conservatism.

I'm not against intellectuals, I am one, but both liberal and conservative intellectuals tend to think too symbolically, which often separates their ideas from real life. Even religion, which pays more attention to behavior, can go too far in its abstract definitions losing sight of actual human nature. Perhaps it would make more sense to distinguish between intellectuals and behaviorists rather than liberals and conservatives. Human kind can get in a lot of trouble trying to create cultures that do not reflect real human nature and real human behavior. Left more to their own natural devices it seems to me that women tend to be more realistically or at least biologically grounded, but then intellectuals and ideologies often turn women---and men---away from natural behavior, especially during these times of political correctness.

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